Celebrex and Heart attack ! !
Stingy tail of Wonder Drug

Risky relation between Celebrex and Heart attack revealed. Wonder drugs often come with sting in their tail.

Warning: If you already have risk factors for heart attack – Do NOT take celebrex or other COX-2 inhibitors for pain relief.

Seek alternative ways to ease your pain – holistic approach to pain management -- also helps in reducing your risk of a heart attack substantially.

In fact, you can learn to reverse your heart disease . In sharp contrast to celebrex and other chemical pain relievers – which cause many known and unknown serious side effects- holistic life style management bestows an all round improvement in your health. You are likely to reduce your arthritis - as well as your anginal pain. Several studies are encouraging and you are likely to add quality-years to your life.

Celebrex (celecoxib) - most popular drug for the treatment of arthritis is in the shadow of controversy. Its popularity is due to its fewer side effects on gastrointestinal system as compared to other NSAID’s like diclofenac, piroxicam and ibuprofen.

Multiple studies and research suggest that celebrex increases the risk of heart attack more than two fold. Drug regulatory authorities are under pressure to review assessment of drug in the light of findings of recent meta-analysis regarding relationship between celebrex and heart attack.

For last two years there is controversy regarding COX-2 inhibitor class of drugs - latest wonder addition to pain management in arthritis and other acute painful conditions. Other members of this category besides celebrex are valedicoxib and Rofecoxib ( vioxx ).

Vioxx was withdrawn from the world-market by Merck after intense protests and pressures by researchers. Vioxx was also found to increase the risk of heart attack and stroke more than two folds. It is estimated that more than 1,00,000 persons suffered avoidable heart risk before vioxx was taken off the market.

Now, it is the turn of the cousin. Celebrex ( celecoxib ) is under suspicion. Let us see how long it takes for its withdrawal from the market! FDA floundered with Vioxx. Many allegations and suspicions regarding the fair role of this regulatory body arose.

Insiders say that FDA is more concerned about its clients interests rather than public safety! And the fact is that Industry is FDA’s client. Not YOU!

Don’t expect organizations to safeguard your health. It is a multi-billion-dollar-ruthless market!!

Prefer drugless solution as far as possible …

Second best …. minimal drug and none from a suspicious group.

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